Here at Evergreen Farm we are rockin’ and rollin’. We just came back from Bel Air, Maryland for the BRAHA spring show. The contingent wasn’t as big as in recent years but we were still a force to be reckoned with! We brought Rachel Dors to show her project pony, EF KKoi’s Braveheart, aka Ben, Kristen Thorpe to show EF She’s Our Legacy aka, Lacey, Emily Estep and her mount Tex, and Christine Reed brought her new horse, Rory Hills, aka Boris. Also in attendance was Ian Dors.
Ian, who was one of the very smallest competitors, rode Boris the largest horse on the property. Boris is a staggering 18hh and Ian decided to take him into the walk race. They won!
Rachel took Ben into four Halter Handling classes where she received a 1st, a 2nd, and two 3rd s and ended up Open Grand Champion High Scoring Horse of the day. Not bad for a not quite 2 year old pony and a 13 year old girl. Gotta love those KKoi genes!!
Christine pretty much got a blue ribbon in every class she entered. I would list them but there are too many!!
Kristen, this being her first show as was Lacey’s, pulled a 2nd and a 6th in classes that were 12 and 8 deep. Very impressive for a pair of first timers.
Emily, also a first timer, pulled a 2nd in halter handling and a 3rd in the Western Pleasure class.
All in all the kids had a great time and all went home with smiles abound. We were a bit soaked as it rained all day long but we were still in good spirits! Our 4-H club, the Rebel Riders, utilize the Spring BRAHA show as a fundraiser for future outings. We held a bake sale and Ian walked the grounds all day long selling the baked goods the kids had made. Once again even though the weather was down right ugly the good folks who attended the BRAHA show made our day with generous donations to the kids. Thanks to all who supported us.