Sunday, November 13, 2011
Last, but Not Least
Evergreen had our last show yesterday and we want to thank Evelyn Pfoutz for filling in last minute for us. We also want to thank all of our dedicated competitors who stuck with us throughout this whole rescheduling process. The whole reason we put on these shows is for the competitors; whether we have a small or a big show, we are thrilled to be able to provide riders with a chance to do everything from practicing for bigger shows to learning what showing is all about. Another great thing about the shows is the chance for us to watch competitors grow themselves. In the beginning of the year all of the first time competitors are nervous and so stressed, but by time the last show rolls around, they are in the swing of things and are relaxed, having fun, cracking jokes and making new friends. It's one of the things that we love about our job, it makes all our extra hours and hard work worth it. We hope that with each and every show season we can make new friends, have new experiences and bring new people, both young and old, into the showing world. So once again, thank you to everyone for another great show season, we are looking forward to next year!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Veni, Vidi, Vici
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Hot, Hot Show
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Summer Lovin'

busy BuSy BUSY!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Shows, Dogs and Horses, OH MY!
In other business, I'd like to say thanks to all you troopers who made it out to yesterday's show, despite the sketchy weather. It was a good, full show, with the exception of the rain. We even had entries from Pennsylvania!! All of these people were rewarded too! Thanks to our new sponsors, we were able to give out goodies, such as feed, bedding samples and treats! Also, we had a sporthorse class on top of the normal dressage classes. Keep bringing those youngsters! Can't wait to see you next show!! Dede Bierbauer is the judge and the date is June 11th, with entries due by June 6th. Furthermore, Cathy Stark, with Stark photography will have photos up shortly.
For those of you that were here at Evergreen on Saturday, you also know that's two important members of the Dors Family were missing since late Friday night. Our dogs, Trinity and Zeus. After hours of searching, calling, driving, contacting neighbors, vets, animal hospitals, pounds, making house calls, passing out flyers and just worrying, our dogs were returned to us by a neighbor. We were so relieved to finally have them back and trust me, they were happy to be back, if not a bit muddy. After a long warm bath, and plenty of food, the dogs curled up in their beds and slept where they belong, in their home.
Other good news! Jimmy (EF Bravado) left this afternoon and went to his new home to some wonderful people who are going to love him tremendously. AALLLSSOOO, Nani (EF Epona's Shenanigans) was also sold to a new owner, Monica Ortega, who will take her to the next step in her training and will be a great match. As sad as we are to see those both leave, we know they are going to great homes and maybe one day we'll see them again in the show ring. J
Monday, April 11, 2011
April Showers Bring May Flowers
Here at Evergreen we finally had the first show of the season! Thank you everyone who made the show such a success! For those of you who missed it for some crazy reason, it was April 2 and the judge was the ever reliable Mary Alice Crawford. Big thanks to her and the weather; she must have magical powers, because the weather managed to hold off until we were packing up. We also can thank Mary Alice Crawford for attracting such a large crowd, given it was the first show of the year. We saw lots of new faces and many old ones and are grateful for all of them. Remember closing date for our next show is May 9, so hurry up and get your entries in for the first spots on May 14. The judge for the next show is Linda Fragale. We are hoping for wonderful spring weather, so come on out, if not to show then to watch and support all the riders.
Also, below is a link to the pictures taken by Cathy Stark with Stark Photography and are still available for purchase.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Show [Series] Must Go On!
As most of you know the show season is coming fast and we here at Evergreen Farm are super excited for our '11 series! We have posted the new dates and judges for this year! (Link below) We hope see some new and old faces. Bring your friends, bring your family for our laid back shows and don't forget to try our world famous (okay maybe not yet!) crumb cake.
Also, keep checking back in, we might have some exciting news coming up for you guys. ;)