With Summer and warm air comes riding and time with loved ones, and by that I mean the ponies! Ponies, Horses, The children, call them what you must, however as much as we like raising them, we also love hearing about how much fun their owners are having with them.
EF Epona’s Shenanigans (Nani) was sold to the lovely Ms. Monica Ortega, who loves Nani soo much! She is so excited to train her and love her. She is lucky enough to have the opportunity to live a near the Scott Sarkozi Training center, who trains in many disciplines and this gives her many options for futures and different careers. We are very proud of Nani and her owner and hope that we will see them in the show ring soon.
EF She’s Alada KKoi (Princess) was bought by endurance Rider Skip. All of his friends say that they are like soul mates and are great on the trail! Recently they did a midnight trail in which Princess lead the trail, ahead of more experienced horses. She never questions anything she is asked to do and he has “never had a horse do that before.” She is also trailblazing and doing some hardcore endurance training for upcoming races. We are waiting to hear about more achievements and to see some pictures.
EF Bravado (Jimmy) was bought by Marjorie Chema. He is a once in a life time horse…. She thinks she is the luckiest women alive to have purchased such a wonderful horse. We are glad to see that she loves him so much.
Lastly, (EF KKoi’s Braveheart aka Ben aka EF Partner In Crime aka Punk) has been bussyyy this summer from riding lessons to hunter shows to cross country jumping to swimming in the pond this pony has been doing it all!! Pictures are below.
Don’t forget to check out pics for this upcoming show @ http://www.starkimage.com/