We finally have a moment to breathe - between births, horse shows, and other farm business - and wanted to present a fuller picture of our farm.
Evergreen Farm is both a boarding and Arabian breeding operation in Berryville, Virginia. We're very fortunate because our boarders are not just customers, they're friends and we have a very close knit family here. In addition to our own children, we have quite the group of kids that enjoy time here with their horses. Foaling season has been a real blast, with no less than four kids present for every birth! Although we hate staying up to watch the foaling camera, the kids revel in staying up all night, or taking turns in the cold barn aisle, waiting for a pregnant mare to give birth. Its been a very fun season with plenty of expectation, excitement and energy as our mares gave birth to beautiful babies.
Horse shows are just as much fun, with our students, boarders and friends bringing their own horses and ours, to their first horse show ever, their first Arabian show, or their first show with a new horse. The camaraderie makes for a good time, whether we have good rides or bad. At our last "A" rated Arabian show in Lexington, we were even able to bring a good friend into the "Arabian world". She enjoyed herself so much, she has even decided to buy one of Kkoi's 2007 foals!
The season is still young and we have a long summer ahead of us. We still have two more foals due - both purebreds - and have several more big shows planned. Our purebred mare Sabi, by the imported sire Stuyvesant, is the next due to foal...any day now! We're expecting her foal this year to be on the bigger side, since both sire and dam are 15.2 hands, and it should have great athleticism. Zaheera, a Zedann daughter, will be our last to foal in July or August. We're expecting her foal to be a stunning, refined, classic Arabian with all the desert fire and personality you'd expect.
In the meantime, we're pointing our riding efforts towards the VAHA Futurity Show in Culpeper on June 8-10. Once again, we'll be bringing EF Kklassique Beauty, EF Fiona's Prince K, and a slew of friends to compete in the ever-growing sporthorse divisions. If you happen to be there, be sure to look for our string of stalls and say hello!