What a time we had at the Maryland Futurity and BRAHA fall show. We had three trailers full of horses and a "School of KKoi" attend the event. All of our weanlings were shown to perfection by the various kids from the barn. Our breeding program is centered around two major factors: breeding for correct conformation AND breeding for able-minded, easily manageable, amateur friendly horses. Well guess what? After our results in the classes we entered, our breeding program spoke to us through our placings. Remembering that our babies were shown by kids, we are very proud to report that we had the winner in the Sport Horse In Hand class as well as 3 other places. Then the kids tried their hands at Halter Handling which is basically a trail class in hand where the horses are led over, under, through and around various obstacles at the walk and/or trot. Well, we took 5 of the top places in that class as well. Not to mention the Champion Futurity Halter Handling ribbon as well as the Reserve Champion Futurity Halter Handling ribbon. What a proud day it was for papa KKoi. As I stated earlier, it was mentioned that there was a "School of KKoi" coming!
After running around all morning with a group of weanlings the girls were tired but all geared up to do some riding. With a collection of 23 ribbons under their belts from the morning session they were anxious to see what else they could accomplish. After being near the first to arrive and certainly the last to leave, the girls managed to pull in an additional 18 ribbons on their own horses. Way to go girls!! While it was a very tiring day, the times of camaraderie, showing their favorite foals and winning trunk fulls of ribbons will surly not be forgotten anytime soon. Thanks Girls for a great day!