Wow it was hard to see my boy being ridden by someone else!! Even though he and I both adore Sarah it was tough. He was not at all confused though. When I saw him in his stall for the first timer in 4 weeks at the New Jersey Horse Park he quietly nickered to me as if to say where have you been. When Sarah came over he looked at her a not wanting to be interrupted so she discretely stepped away so we could have our moment. Thank you Sarah!
All in all a great show was has, except for the cold rain. Again. KKoi rode in an open show and two Arab shows. He did very well all around. He got a 1st in Sport Horse Under Saddle, a 4th in First Level test 2 a 3rd in First Test 1, a 4th in First test 1 and a 2nd in First test 1. This was his first outing doing first Level. The extensions are coming along and this qualified him for Regional’s with Sarah in First Level as well as Nationals. I am very excited I hope I can keep it together enough to continue to WATCH someone else enjoy him. It’s almost as if he’s cheating!!